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Hey guys, I know that i have been posting about windows Xp for a long time so here is a change !With this boot trick you can boot your Windows Vista and Windows 7 quickly(minimum of 5 sec ).Many user have found this quite good on Youtube !So i haope this will help to boot your PC more quickly

Increase Boot Speed for Windows Vista or 7

[starttext]world's fastest method "Vedic Mathematics" is very helpful in algebra too!. Solve linear equations in 2 seconds. An n amazing method explained by VSR.

Solution of Linear equations in 2 seconds

this is a very simple technique with a man showing how to do vedic math with 3 digit numbers

3 digit multiplication in just 5 seconds

[starttext]Fastmaths : Vedic mathematics part 2

Fastmaths : Vedic mathematics part 2

[starttext]Fastmaths : Vedic mathematics part 1

Fastmaths : Vedic mathematics part 1

[starttext]EasyCal Squaring Trick 4 - To Find Squares from 80-120 using Vedic Mathematics

Squaring Trick 4 - To Find Squares from 80-120

[starttext]EasyCal Squaring Trick 3 - To Easily Find Squares from 30-70 (around 50) using Vedic Mathematics

Easily Find Squares from 30-70

[starttext]EasyCal Cubing Trick 1 -100 To Easily Find Cubes from 1-100 using Vedic Mathematics

Cubing Trick 1 -100